Giant Octopus and Globsters


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In several cases, carcasses were washed up on beaches. The carcasses bore some resemblance to gigantic octopuses, and were given the nicknames of Globsters.
One of the first known Globsters was around 1896, near St. Augustine, Florida. A white rubbery lump, 21 feet long, 7 feet wide, and 4 feet tall. It also had what looked like pieces of tentacles, which made it look similar to a giant octopus. The thing in St. Augustine came to the attention of Professor Verill, who confirmed that it was an octopus, and gave it the name Octopus giganteus. The carcass was further damaged when a storm took it out to sea and redeposited it on the shore. An attempt was made to move the carcass from the shore to protect it, and Dr. Webb cut some pieces off of the carcass (much later, the pieces were tested by Roy P. Mackal, who concluded that they resembled an octopus's skin tissue). For some reason, Verill later said that it was probably part of a whale, though it in no way resembled a whale. Eventually, the carcass was taken back out to sea by tides.
The St. Augustine monster was not the only Globster to wash up. A similar blob was washed up in Tasmania in 1960; science ignored it for over 2 years, and then said it was a whale. Another Globster washed up in 1968, in New Zealand, and again in 1970. Another Globster washed up on Mangrove Bay, in 1988.
Theoretically, the blobs could have been extremely rotted pieces of whale carcasses, though it is harder to explain away the tissue from the St. Augustine monster. Also, all of the blobs were extremely hard to cut, which is not similar to whale pieces. Plus, the Globsters did not seem to have any of the bones or organs a whale would have.
The Giant Octopus seems to be one of the best supported cryptozoological creatures. Like the Giant Squid, the Giant Octopus is probably a deep water creature, and would only rarely be seen alive, though there are some recorded sightings. In 1802, Denys de Montfort reported an event (and probably an exagerated event, if it actually happened), where a ship near Angola was attacked by a monster that tried to drag down the ship with it's tentacles. The monster was stopped when the seamen started chopping off it's arms. A picture of the event, shows a giant octopus, though the creature in the obviousally exagerated picture has tentacles that would have been about 10 feet thick. In 1951, a broken cable was brought up from 7200 feet. The cable had a pound of tissue wrapped around, which may have came from an octopus. In 1989, a group of people was in a boat off of the Phillipines, when they saw a tentacle go over the side of the boat. One person said he saw a head in the water, and that the tentacle was about 8 feet long. The boat was capsized, and the people waded to the safety of the shore.

  • Monsters of the Sea, by Richard Ellis
  • Unexplained!, by Jerome Clark
  • In the Wake of the Sea Serpents, by Bernard Heuvelmans